12 year prayer saint bridget

What is 12 year prayer saint bridget?

The 12 year prayer of Saint Bridget is a popular devotion among Catholics. It involves praying a set of prayers for 12 consecutive years in honor of the Passion of Jesus Christ. The prayer is named after Saint Bridget of Sweden, who was known for her devotion to Christ and her visions of Him.
The 12 year prayer consists of 15 prayers, which are said every day for a period of 12 years. The prayers are said in honor of the wounds that Jesus Christ suffered during His Passion. The prayers are believed to have been revealed to Saint Bridget by Jesus Himself.

How to Pray the 12 Year Prayer?

To pray the 12 year prayer, you need to commit to saying the prayers every day for 12 consecutive years. The prayers are said in honor of the wounds that Jesus suffered during His Passion.
The prayers consist of 15 prayers, which are said in a specific order. You can find the prayers online or in a prayer book. It is important to say the prayers with reverence and devotion.

What are the Benefits of Praying the 12 Year Prayer?

Praying the 12 year prayer of Saint Bridget is believed to bring many benefits, both spiritual and temporal. Some of the benefits include:
1. Forgiveness of sins 2. Strengthening of faith 3. Protection from evil 4. Healing of illnesses 5. Blessings for oneself and one's family
It is important to note that the benefits of the 12 year prayer are not guaranteed. The prayer should be said with faith and trust in God's mercy and grace.


The 12 year prayer of Saint Bridget is a powerful devotion that has been practiced by Catholics for centuries. It is a way to honor the Passion of Jesus Christ and to seek His mercy and grace. By committing to saying the prayers every day for 12 years, we can experience the spiritual and temporal benefits of this powerful prayer. May we all have the faith and devotion of Saint Bridget as we pray this prayer.